I serve on the editorial board of The Bulletin of the International Linear Algebra Society, IMAGE.
3. Organizer, JMM-ILAS Special Session " Matrix Analysis and Applications" Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM 2025), Seattle, January 8-11, 2025 (with Tin-Yau Tam and Luyining Gan).
2. Organizer, JMM-ILAS Special Session "Matrices and Operators" Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM 2023), Boston, January 4-7, 2023 (with Tin-Yau Tam and Pan Shun Lau)
1. Organizer, JMM-ILAS Special Session " Matrix Analysis and Applications," (Virtual) Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM 2022), April 6-9, 2022 (with Tin-Yau Tam and Luyining Gan).
3. Referee for the following journals:
I) Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A
h) Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2
g) Asian Journal of Mathematics
f) Linear Algebra and its Applications
e) Wiley (1 book)
d) The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra
b) Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science
a) Linear and Multilinear Algebra
2. Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews
1. Judge for 10th Annual Graduate and Professional Student Conference (GPSC) 2022